LLM Purple Test :
Command and Response Specifications v1.0

Global Commands:

compete --help: Displays help information for all commands.
compete --version: Shows the current version of the CLI tool.

Login & Logout:

compete login <USERNAME> --apikey <APIKEY>: Authenticates and initiates a user session.Success: "Logged in successfully as <Username>."
Failure: "Authentication failed. Please check your username and API key."

compete logout: Terminates the current session.
Response: "You have been logged out."

Commands for Defenders and Attackers:

compete score
Description: Displays the current scores, including the defender's performance and attackers' standings.

Output includes:
Defender processing stats and average response time.
A scoreboard showing all teams' points.
Details on your submissions and estimated processing times (for attackers).
Your current score and rank within the competition.

Defender-Specific Commands:

compete receive-prompt: Waits for and shows the next benchmark prompt.
"New prompt received: [Prompt ID: 101, 'Describe the primary function...']"
(short version P)

compete submit-answer --prompt-id <ID> --answer "<ANSWER>": Submits an answer for the given prompt ID.
Success: "Answer submitted successfully for prompt ID 101."
Failure: "Failed to submit answer. Please try again."
Individual result scores are returned as available.
(Short Version S, if --promptid and --answer omitted the answer is for the last question.)

Attacker-Specific Commands:

compete submit-attack "<MAIN_QUERY>" [--prefix "<PREFIX>"] [--postfix "<POSTFIX>"] [--attach-to <PROMPT_ID>]: Sends an attack query.
General Success: "Attack submitted successfully. Awaiting next opportunity for injection."
Targeted Success: "Attack submitted successfully and will be attached to prompt ID 102."
Failure: "Failed to submit attack. Please check your command syntax and try again."
(short Version A)

compete request-token: Waits for the availability of an attack token.
Token Available: "Attack token received. You can now submit your next attack."
(Short Version R)

REPL Mode:

Simply typing compete enters interactive mode, providing a command prompt (>) and supporting all listed commands with real-time notifications.

Example Interaction in REPL Mode:

$ compete
> login TeamAlpha --apikey abc123
Logged in successfully as TeamAlpha.
> receive-prompt
Prompt ID: 101, 'Describe the primary function...'
> submit-answer --prompt-id 101 --answer "The primary function is..."

$ compete
> login TeamBravo --apikey def678
Logged in successfully as TeamAlpha.
> request-token
Attack token received. You can now submit your next attack
> submit-attack --prefix "ALTER TABLE" --postfix "; DROP TABLE students;" --attach-to 102
Attack submitted successfully and will be attached to prompt ID 102.

Real-Time Notifications:

New prompts, scoring updates, and token availability are delivered synchronously, keeping participants informed.